According to information from the British secret service, the Russian missile strikes have hitherto followed a certain pattern. At the turn of the year, however, Putin could shake Ukraine with a new wave of violent attacks, warns London. There are also new plans for staff.

According to estimates by British military experts, Russian missile attacks on the Ukrainian energy infrastructure could be intensified over the turn of the year. This emerges from the daily intelligence update from the Ministry of Defense in London on the Ukraine war. According to this, the beatings have so far been carried out at intervals of seven to ten days.

“Russia will almost certainly continue this pattern to overwhelm Ukraine’s air defenses,” the statement said. But there is “a realistic possibility” that Russia will strike again in the coming days “to break the morale of the Ukrainian population over the New Year period,” it said.

The British Ministry of Defense has published daily information on the course of the war since the beginning of the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine at the end of February, citing intelligence information. In doing so, the British government wants to both counter the Russian portrayal and keep allies in line.

According to Ukrainian information, Russia is also preparing a new wave of mobilization in the country. This is to begin on January 5, according to the head of the Ukrainian military intelligence service. This was stated by Kyrylo Budanov, head of the Ukrainian military intelligence service, in an interview with the BBC.

Moscow is also planning to close the borders. “In early January, the Russian authorities will close the borders to people, declare martial law and launch another wave of mobilizations. Borders will also be closed in Belarus,” said Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksiy Reznikov in a video address to the Russian population. According to Resnikov, the new mobilization this time also affect “the residents of large Russian cities”.