
Combatting Chinese Communist Party Threats: Recap of Congress Passing 25 Bills

In a significant move to safeguard American interests against the various threats posed by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), the House of Representatives recently passed 25 crucial pieces of legislation during ‘China Week.’ Led by Chairman John Moolenaar (R-MI) of the House Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party, these bills address military, economic, ideological, and technological challenges posed by the CCP.

Chairman Moolenaar championed the efforts of the Select Committee, highlighting that 12 of the passed bills were directly derived from or aligned with policy recommendations in the Select Committee’s December 2023 Economic Report and May 2023 Ten for Taiwan Report. This legislative push aims to draw a clear line in the sand and send a unified message to Xi Jinping and the CCP that the United States will not tolerate any further encroachment on its interests.

### Legislation Highlights

#### BIOSECURE Act (H.R. 8333)
The bipartisan passage of the BIOSECURE Act aims to protect Americans’ genetic data and U.S. firms from predatory CCP-backed biotechnology companies. Notably, the bill targets Chinese military company BGI Genomics, as well as CCP-aligned biotechnology companies Wuxi AppTec and Wuxi Biologics. These companies are designated as foreign adversary biotechnology firms, rendering them ineligible for certain federal contracts. Chairman Moolenaar emphasized the importance of this legislation in sending a strong message to the CCP about safeguarding national security interests.

#### Countering CCP Drones Act (H.R. 2684)
In response to the national security risk posed by Chinese military drone company DJI, the House passed the Countering CCP Drones Act. This legislation places DJI on the FCC’s Covered List, prohibiting the approval and operation of future DJI drone models in the United States. Chairman Moolenaar stressed the significance of this act in protecting Americans from the surveillance and espionage threats posed by these drones.

#### Decoupling From Foreign Adversarial Battery Dependence Act (H.R. 8631)
The Decoupling From Foreign Adversarial Battery Dependence Act prohibits the U.S. Department of Homeland Security from procuring batteries from six CCP-connected companies based in China. By restricting the procurement of batteries from companies like Gotion, BYD, and CATL, the bill aims to reduce American dependence on slave labor tainted supply chains and prevent the CCP from profiting from human rights abuses. Chairman Moolenaar highlighted the necessity of such measures in ensuring national security and ethical sourcing practices.

### Additional Legislation and Efforts

In addition to the highlighted bills, the House passed several other crucial pieces of legislation aimed at countering the CCP’s influence and protecting American interests. These include:

– Protecting American Agriculture from Foreign Adversaries Act (H.R. 9456)
– DHS Restrictions on Confucius Institutes and Chinese Entities of Concern Act (H.R. 1516)
– End Chinese Dominance of Electric Vehicles in America Act (H.R. 7980)
– Countering the PRC Malign Influence Fund Authorization Act (H.R. 1157)
– Science and Technology Agreement Enhanced Congressional Notification Act (H.R. 5425)

These bills cover a wide range of areas, from safeguarding agriculture and technology sectors to countering malign influence and enhancing congressional oversight. Each piece of legislation plays a crucial role in strengthening America’s resilience against the various threats posed by the CCP.

### Conclusion

The passage of these 25 bills during ‘China Week’ signifies a concerted effort by the U.S. Congress to combat the challenges posed by the Chinese Communist Party. Led by Chairman John Moolenaar and the Select Committee on the CCP, these legislative measures underscore the commitment to protecting American interests, national security, and economic prosperity from foreign adversaries. As these bills move forward, it is essential for the Senate to act swiftly to pass the necessary legislation and reinforce the message that the United States will not tolerate any threats to its sovereignty and well-being.