The communist deputies reluctantly withdrew from the agenda of the National Assembly, Thursday, May 4, one of their texts on the postponement of the opening to competition of the Parisian buses of the RATP – the lines of the departments of small and outer suburbs are already open – but remain very worried about the organization of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games (OG). “In 2024, the allocation of lots to private companies, the allocation of personnel and social negotiations”, underlined the elected official of the French Communist Party (PCF) of Seine-Saint-Denis Stéphane Peu in front of the press.

According to him, the president of Ile-de-France Mobilités (IDFM), Valérie Pécresse, “acts in a totally irresponsible way” by persisting in the “madness” of opening up to rapid competition and wanting to be “the Thatcher of Ile-de-France”. The communist parliamentarian carried a bill to postpone by four years, to the end of 2028, the deadline for the end of the historic monopoly of the RATP. But, at the initiative of the presidential camp, this period was reduced in committee to the Assembly to two years, at the end of 2026, allowing Ms. Pécresse “a gradual but rapid implementation” of the opening up to competition, as she wishes.


Remaining opposed to the principle of competition, the group of PCF deputies, which had included the text on the menu for a day reserved for the Palais-Bourbon on Thursday, withdrew it at the last minute, refusing that it “serve as a vehicle for this false report”. “Compromises with the majority are only made in one direction”, with the right, denounced Thursday Mr. Peu. IDFM, the authority responsible for organizing transport in the Ile-de-France region, plans to transport 7 million passengers during the two weeks of the Olympic Games – from July 26 to August 11, 2024 – and 3 million during the Paralympics, from August 28 to September 8, 2024 .

Mr. Peu leads with MP Stéphane Mazars (Renaissance) a parliamentary fact-finding mission on the Olympics. As early as February, they jointly mentioned an “alert point” on the transport situation in the region chaired by Ms. Pécresse. The Communists withdrew another bill from the agenda on Thursday, asking for a moratorium to sanctuary lines of the SNCF network. But the goal is there to allow in the time allotted Thursday to prioritize other texts of the group.