Migrants who have crossed the US border from Mexico are turning up in Washington – no coincidence and not the first time: Texas governor and Republican Greg Abbott is said to take them to the capital in buses. The democratic Biden government finds clear words for its “protest”.

In the US capital Washington, buses with migrants from Latin and Central America arrived again at the weekend. Several buses arrived near the residence of US Vice President Kamala Harris on Christmas Eve, the broadcasters CNN and other US media reported unanimously. TV pictures showed how people, some wrapped in blankets, got out and were greeted by helpers. Because of the arctic storm “Elliott” there were also minus degrees in Washington at the weekend.

Several US media on Sunday quoted a White House spokesman, Abdullah Hasan, as describing the arrival of the buses as a “cruel, dangerous and shameful action” by Texas Gov. Greg Abbott. It is not yet clear why the people arrived near Harris’ residence. In the past, the Republican Abbott, in particular, had buses brought to democratically controlled cities such as Washington or New York – in protest against the migration policy of the government of President Joe Biden, a Democrat.

Meanwhile, the situation for many migrants on the border with Mexico is getting worse. In the border towns, many people who want to go to the USA are currently camping on the streets in the bitter cold. They are waiting for a controversial deportation regulation to be lifted, which, with reference to the corona pandemic, allows for quick deportation. Actually, the so-called Title 42 rule was supposed to expire last week. However, the US government had asked the Supreme Court for a postponement until after Christmas.