The Chinese leadership wants to set up in Hong Kong, a new authority with broad powers to prosecute crimes that endanger the national security. The “office of the Commissioner for national security,” will supervise the Hong Kong government on this issue, “lead, coordinate and support”, – stated in an official summary of the bill, the Standing Committee of the people’s Congress at the weekend, has advised. The new office will also collect intelligence information and to evaluate and even court proceedings to negotiate. The latter should be limited to “very few” cases, the official Xinhua news Agency.

Friederike Böge

Political correspondent for East Asia.

F. A. Z. Twitter

From the point of view of the Pro-democracy camp in Hong Kong to confirm the new Details concerns that the proposed security law that “high degree of autonomy” to undermine the Hong Kong basic law. The justice system of the special administrative zone is in the Tradition of the British Common Law, and guarantees respect for international securitized civil and political rights, while the rest of the Chinese Jurisdiction according to a concept of constitutional rights activist Cora Chan “Leninist-authoritarian ideas” follows.

Who is allowed to interpret the law?

As the safety act, this gap would be bridged, was one of the crucial issues, since the Chinese leadership had announced at the end of may, that you would enforce on the Hong Kong Parliament passing such a law for Hong Kong. The answer to this question now reads: Should the security law with other Hong Kong laws are in conflict, the safety law would. The right to interpret the new law, falls also to the Standing Committee of the people’s Congress in Beijing and not a Hong Kong court.