In November, the Americans will re-elect parts of Congress – and then President Biden’s Democrats could lose their majority in both chambers. After a long period of restraint, it now switches to attack mode. The target: Trump.

US President Joe Biden interfered in the campaign leading up to the congressional elections in November, sharply attacking ex-President Donald Trump and the Republicans. He presented the election as an existential directional decision for the country: “There is a lot at stake,” said Biden on Thursday evening during a campaign appearance in Rockville, Maryland, near the capital Washington.

When it comes to the “midterms,” ​​Americans would have the choice between two fundamentally different visions, Republicans and Democrats. The extreme Republicans from the camp of ex-President Donald Trump are backward-looking, full of anger, violence and hatred and would divide the country. The Democrats, on the other hand, stand for the future, for unity, hope and optimism.

“There aren’t many real Republicans left,” Biden said. He respects conservative Republicans, but not “MAGA Republicans”. MAGA stands for Trump’s previous campaign motto “Make America Great Again”. “MAGA Republicans not only threaten our personal rights and economic security, they are a threat to our democracy itself,” Biden said. “They refuse to accept the will of the people and embrace political violence. They don’t believe in democracy.” Democrats, independents and moderate Republicans must save the country.

Biden’s predecessor, Trump, has refused to admit defeat in the 2020 presidential election. The Republican claims he was robbed of victory by massive voter fraud, but has never provided any evidence. Biden had 81 million votes in the election and a clear majority of the electorate. At the time, a good 74 million Americans voted for Trump.

“Donald Trump is not just a past president. He is a defeated former president,” Biden said. In 2020, 81 million Americans would have voted to save democracy in the country. He appealed to the people of the country: “Now you have to vote to literally save democracy again.”

At a reception before the campaign appearance, Biden even described the philosophy of the “MAGA Republicans” as “half fascism,” according to reporters who were traveling with him. In the congressional elections on November 8th – in the middle of Biden’s term in office – all 435 seats in the US House of Representatives and about a third of the seats in the Senate will be up for re-election. There are also gubernatorial elections in many states.

According to polls, the Republicans have a good chance of gaining a majority in the House of Representatives. In the Senate, on the other hand, it is not clear who will have the upper hand. Without a majority in at least one chamber of Congress, Biden’s Democrats would have little chance of passing legislation. The congressional election is therefore of crucial importance for the remaining two years of the President’s term.