Barely minutes after the rejection of a motion of censure and the adoption of the “revenue” part of the 2024 draft budget, Elisabeth Borne again appealed, Saturday, December 16, to article 49.3 of the Constitution, to have the entire text adopted without a vote on new reading in the Assembly.

“We cannot do without a budget,” declared the Prime Minister to justify the 22nd use of this constitutional provision since her arrival at Matignon. The group La France insoumise (LFI) immediately announced the filing of a new motion of censure, which has almost no chance of succeeding. A final adoption of the 2024 budget, via a final 49.3, is expected at the end of next week, after a new passage in the Senate.

The head of government had just previously once again largely escaped censorship, with the failure of the motion defended by the LFI deputy for Bouches-du-Rhône, Sébastien Delogu. Debated in the indifference of a Saturday afternoon, the motion received only 75 votes, far from the 289 necessary to bring down the government.

Deserted hemicycle

In a deserted hemicycle, several speakers alluded to the major event of the week at the Palais-Bourbon: the blocking on Monday of the “immigration” bill by the adoption of a motion to reject the oppositions. A joint committee will decide the fate of the text on Monday.

“We are almost sure that an agreement between the groups of the presidential majority and that of the Republicans [LR] will be reached on the bill relating to immigration. (…) Today, 49.3 is enough, the abstention of the right being the discreet ally that allows us to last,” launched the socialist MP for Sarthe, Marietta Karamanli.

“It is, to say the least, paradoxical to hear you criticize us for censoring the debate on the immigration law when you yourself have banned the debate throughout the entire budget review this fall,” replied the MP for Orne, Véronique Louwagie (LR).

“Several of you have again accused the government of denying democracy (…). We have no lessons in parliamentarism to receive from “rebellious” deputies who only have excesses at their mouths! (…) We have no lessons to learn in the fight against the far right, while you regularly combine your votes with those of the National Rally,” retorted Ms. Borne.