The study Foundation of the German people, the most prestigious scholarship organisation in Germany, has been hacked. “Unfortunately, we must inform you that the academic Foundation was attacked with a malicious software, which is in all probability Emotet. This fake E-Mails with the sender’s academic Foundation in circulation,“ writes the organization, the grants, especially scholarships to talented students, on Thursday in an E-Mail to your distribution and on your website. To makes cause and extent of the study Foundation due to the ongoing investigation no further information.

Gustav Theile

editor in the economy.

F. A. Z. Twitter

check The academic Foundation asks potential Concerned about the “every E-Mail carefully for the correct return address (Name and Domain) and also the subject and E-Mail content on the plausibility of” to. The E-Mails are often written in English, the Organisation communicate normally in English.

Many executives are Alumni of the studienstiftung

if you receive a suspicious E-Mail should forward it to the academic Foundation so that they could check. The forwarding is not dangerous. You stand in contact with the Federal office for information security (BSI) and am working on the clarification.

Who is the Hacker in, for example, by open file attachments or clicked the Links, it should inform the academic Foundation, according to its environment, mail contacts were particularly vulnerable. Malicious programs before were often important Changes to the Computer, therefore, the BSI recommend to set up the computer.

a spokeswoman says the F. A. Z.: “We continue to have access to our systems and are in principle capable of. IT is your turn, we have brought to the analysis and mitigation of external reinforcement.“

The information policy of the studienstiftung surprised by something: As on 30. July you informed on your Intranet via a “safety note to fake E-Mails with the sender of the academic Foundation”, to inform without, however, wider about it. The least potentially Affected are expected to have visited since the Intranet.In addition, there is a corresponding Tweet was sent from a Twitter account called “@studienstiftung”, which, although not verified by Twitter, but to be the official channel of the Foundation seems to be. However, this Tweet has received only two Likes.

Many of the executives in Germany are Alumni of the studienstiftung. In their mailboxes, the fake E could be landed-Mails, so – and thus also for many other organizations, a security problem.