MEP Raphaël Glucksmann is heading back into the campaign. The co-founder of Place publique announced on Wednesday September 13 that he was standing for the European elections in June 2024, undoubtedly with the Socialist Party (PS) with which he has been sitting for five years, but which has not yet made a decision as to the identity of his head of list.

“I am a candidate,” assures the 43-year-old essayist in L’Obs, referring to a continent today “at a tipping point, shaken by war, confronted with the climate crisis and obliged to question deregulated globalization which weakens it.”

Will he make a joint list with the PS, which has adopted the principle of an autonomous list? “It would seem natural to me to leave together, and I think that this also corresponds to the desire of socialist activists”, who must decide at the beginning of October, he replies. Head of the list with the PS in 2019, Mr. Glucksmann then won 6.2% of the vote.

He claims to have “learned lessons” from 2019

While he had made himself, at the time and in vain, the champion of the union of the lefts for Europeans, by creating Place publique, he recalls the existence this time of “substantial oppositions” with the communists and the “rebellious”, on Ukraine and European defense in particular.

“Let’s take responsibility for them,” he proclaims, refusing to present in this one-round proportional vote a “united left” which would “at the same time”: “For the European Union but not too much…, for the ‘Ukraine but not too much’. As such, he claims to have “learned the lessons” of 2019 and prefers to campaign than “spend [his] time in dark rooms discussing endlessly with political apparatuses”.

Which does not prevent him from shooting his arrows at the Macronist group in the European Parliament, which according to him “persists in the social and ecological impasse of productivist agriculture through the continuation of a common agricultural policy favoring the largest farmers and agribusiness giants.”

Despite the protests of La France insoumise, the Nupes parties dispersed to the Europeans, each presenting their own list.