Thousands of men from different countries are fighting alongside Ukraine. Four of them are now killed in battles against Russian troops, the International Defense Legion now says. A German is also among the dead.

According to Ukrainian sources, a German fighter was killed in the fighting against Russian troops in Ukraine. A total of four foreign volunteers who fought on Ukraine’s side were killed, a volunteer brigade called the International Defense Legion of Ukraine said. In addition to the German, three men from the Netherlands, France and Australia were killed.

The volunteer brigade did not provide any information on the circumstances of the death of the four foreign fighters or the location. It just said, “We lost our brothers in battle, but their bravery, memory and legacy will inspire us forever.” Attached to the statement were photos of the men in combat fatigues and carrying light weapons.

According to the organization, citizens of many countries are fighting on the side of Ukraine, including Denmark, Israel, Poland, Croatia and Great Britain. Shortly after the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine began, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy announced the formation of an international brigade of volunteers at the end of February. According to Ukrainian information, around 20,000 volunteers from all over the world then volunteered. Russia said this week it had killed “hundreds” of foreign fighters in Ukraine.

A Dutch volunteer named in the volunteer brigade’s statement released on Saturday was buried in the city of Kharkiv in north-eastern Ukraine last month. The Australian is said to have been killed in May. His death was confirmed by the State Department. Paris confirmed on Friday that a French volunteer had been killed in Ukraine, according to media reports by artillery fire in the Kharkov region.