At the end of the eighth interministerial committee for public transformation and then a visit to the France Services house in Sceaux (Hauts-de-Seine), Tuesday April 23, Gabriel Attal presented his government’s roadmap for 2024 in matter of transformation and public simplification.

The Prime Minister notably announced the progressive generalization of artificial intelligence (AI) at the service of users and public administration, through the deployment of a “sovereign AI” because it is French, called “Albert”. “Let’s choose AI, let’s not suffer from it,” argued Gabriel Attal, for whom “AI will be an opportunity to put humans back at the heart of public services”, in particular by freeing up time for agents.

Mr. Attal thus announced that the tax administration will soon “deploy an AI to write responses to the 16 million annual online requests”, which agents will then check and validate. Furthermore, 4,000 environmental projects, submitted each year to the regional environmental directorates, will now be “pre-instructed by an AI”, such as wind farm or urban development projects.

This AI will also be used “from the end of the year” to automate the transcription of legal hearings, the filing of complaints or medical reports. It will also be used for the detection of forest fires or the HR management of civil servants. “To AI the boring tasks, and to public agents, the link with our fellow citizens,” promised Gabriel Attal.

School scholarships paid automatically from September

Gabriel Attal also rolled out measures to “debureaucratize France” to simplify the daily lives of the French “at all levels”, a project he launched at the beginning of the year, after the farmers’ crisis.

The Prime Minister thus announced a simplification of procedures for parents of scholarship students. “To fight against non-take-up of social rights, the administration will use tax data from the start of the school year in September to directly offer a school scholarship to the 1.5 million families who are entitled to it, without any action from their shares”, said the head of government, referring to “a new step towards solidarity at the source”. Gabriel Attal also announced that, “from September” and for “the entire schooling” of children, school registration files will now be pre-filled with known civil status information, to save time to parents.

“By the end of the year, thirty essential operators such as France Travail, the CAF, the national police or the tax administration will reach the objective of 85% telephone drop-off rates,” the Prime Minister also announced, while To apply for an activity bonus, the resources will also be pre-filled “from next year”, in order to save users time and avoid errors. Faced with the proliferation of acronyms in the administration, he also announced the launch of an audit, “ministry by ministry, to review all online content and forms” and make administrative language “intelligible, accessible “.

The head of government finally confirmed that the online voting proxy, possible in the next European elections, would be extended to other ballots.

300 more France Services houses by 2026

For municipalities, he announced the end of “the obligation to empty municipal swimming pools every year”. This measure was, according to him, “irrelevant in relation to the controls of operators and regional health agencies, absurd given ecological ambitions and the necessary preservation of water resources, and [represented] also a cost for communities”. He also announced that municipalities will now be able to apply for subsidies online, and that the size of files and the number of supporting documents will also be reduced, “to simplify the lives of elected officials”.

As for the government’s ambition to “bring public services back to the territory”, the Prime Minister announced the creation of three hundred new Frances Services houses by 2026, to reach the figure of 3,000 sites. open almost everywhere in France. “The bouquet of services” offered by the agents supporting the French in their procedures will also be extended, “to include the Urssaf procedures (…) as well as the Agirc-Arrco procedures for supplementary retirement.” The Prime Minister also assured that the government “will divide the State’s external consultancy expenditure by four in three years”.