
Hong Kong on Track to Regain Global Aviation Hub Status by End of Year, Says IATA

Hong Kong is poised to fully regain its status as an international aviation hub by the end of this year, according to the International Air Transport Association (IATA). The director general of IATA, Willie Walsh, expressed optimism about Hong Kong’s recovery, citing the rapid rebuilding efforts of Cathay Pacific Airways.

Despite facing challenges during the Covid-19 pandemic, including flight cancellations and operational disruptions, Walsh believes that Hong Kong has made significant progress in reviving its aviation sector. He noted that the city has rebounded faster than expected, particularly in the cargo business, which plays a crucial role at the airport.

While Cathay Pacific had initially aimed to restore capacity to pre-pandemic levels by early 2025, the airline has experienced setbacks, leading to a revised target timeline. However, Walsh remains confident that Hong Kong can accelerate its passenger recovery and reclaim its position as a major aviation hub by the end of this year.

In light of the positive developments in Hong Kong’s aviation industry, Cathay Pacific has reported its first profit in four years, signaling a promising outlook for the carrier. With plans to expand its destination network and enhance operational capabilities, the airline is poised for growth in the coming years.

Overall, the outlook for Hong Kong’s aviation sector appears favorable, with stakeholders expressing confidence in the city’s ability to bounce back and regain its prominence on the global stage. As passenger traffic continues to recover and cargo operations thrive, Hong Kong is on track to reaffirm its status as a key player in the aviation industry.