Mehmet Oz, a celebrity doctor and Republican Senate candidate from Pennsylvania, also known as Dr. Oz, stated Thursday that he will renounce Turkish citizenship if he is elected to the seat.

Oz, a U.S. citizen born in Ohio, stated that “my dual citizenship has become distracting in this campaign.” After several weeks of discussion with my family, I have decided to renounce it before I am sworn into office as the next U.S. Senator. Senator for Pennsylvania, I will be only a U.S. citizen. citizen.”

Fox News reported Oz’s plans first.

One of Oz’s main rivals for the GOP nomination was Dave McCormick. He had made Oz’s dual citizenship a topic in the primary. McCormick’s campaign held a conference call earlier Thursday with Senator Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska), who expressed concern that Oz’s Turkish citizenship might limit his access intelligence on foreign countries.

Sullivan stated that he believes senators need to have full access to the intelligence information provided by the intelligence agencies to be able to perform their job effectively.

Oz stated that the attacks on Oz’s dual citizenship were “bigoted” by McCormick and a “sign McCormick’s desperate campaign that McCormick has resorted this disgraceful tactic.”

McCormick made a statement later in the day from his campaign, asking Oz to immediately give up his Turkish citizenship.

McCormick stated, “Do it now.” “Voters don’t trust Mehmet Oz.”

The Pennsylvania Senate race is among the most competitive in the country, with the GOP primary especially chaotic. McCormick, an ex-hedge fund executive, entered the race following the exit from Sean Parnell. He had the endorsement of former President Donald Trump but quit when his estranged spouse was granted sole legal custodial custody of their children in a case where she claimed abuse. Parnell denied the allegations.

Last week’s Fox News poll showed McCormick at 24 percent of primary voters. Oz was at 15 percent. Both parties have spent millions on TV ads.