France “needs” a “firm text against irregular immigration”, pleaded Friday the Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin, who promised the return “in a few weeks” of his bill, postponed by Emmanuel Macron.

“The important thing is to have a firm text against irregular immigration”, explained on CNews the minister, who had been preparing the ground for almost a year for this bill which was to have two main components, one to facilitate the expulsion of foreigners representing a threat to public order, the other on integration, in particular to regularize certain workers in sectors in “tension”.

Against the backdrop of a surge of social fever against the pension reform, the President of the Republic has decided to postpone its examination by the Senate, which was to start on March 28, by announcing on Wednesday that the bill would be “rearranged”. and cut into “several texts”.

“The Minister of the Interior always prefers it to be a single text, of course”, reacted Gérald Darmanin, explaining to rely on the decision of the executive.

“The Prime Minister is currently working with the presidents of the assemblies and in a few weeks we will have a discussion on immigration again”, he assured, adding that “France needs” such a law.

“For example, to deport delinquent foreigners, we need a law, I need it to deport 4,000 more per year,” he said.

On this bill, deemed very insufficient on the right and on the far right, booed on the left and by the defenders of exiles, the Minister of the Interior judged “entirely possible to find a majority with the LR”, who control the Senate.

However, he did not give any indication of what could remain in the text, which the President of the Republic wants “shorter”.

The government is considering a draft law tightened up on the most technical aspects (reform of asylum procedures and the litigation of foreigners), to leave the most abrasive elements in the hands of parliamentarians, who could table bills on expulsions of foreigners (on the right) or integration through language and work (in the majority), the entourage of the Minister of the Interior explained to AFP on Thursday.

03/24/2023 11:18:26 –         Paris (AFP) –         © 2023 AFP