Germany is in the energy crisis – and according to Economics Minister Habeck, if the worst comes to the worst, it could operate its nuclear power plants beyond the end of the year. Another stress test is now crucial, says the Green Party, and refers to the switched off nuclear power plants in France.

Federal Economics Minister Robert Habeck leaves the continued operation of nuclear power plants beyond the end of the year open. In “RTL Aktuell” Habeck spoke of the fact that the renewed stress test of the reactor could result in a “special scenario”. “The relevant question that needs to be asked is whether the electricity grid stability needs to be secured through further measures this year.”

In order to ensure sufficient reverse voltage in the grid, you need a certain power plant capacity, said Habeck. “And now we’re looking at whether this year is so extreme that a new scenario should be opened for it.” The Green Minister cited the many currently switched off nuclear power plants in France as examples. We generally speak of grid stability when the power fed into the grid is as high as the current demand.

On the other hand, the possibilities for saving gas from nuclear power plants are “very, very small,” according to Habeck. One can assume about 0.5 to 0.7 percent. The EU has just decided to save 15 percent. “Well, that’s a whole other dimension.” The potential savings are disproportionate to the risks and the social debate that nuclear power will trigger.

In view of reduced Russian gas supplies and a feared shortage in winter, politicians have been discussing the possible continued operation of German nuclear power plants for weeks. There are currently three nuclear power plants still connected to the grid: Emsland in Lower Saxony, Isar 2 in Bavaria and Neckarwestheim 2 in Baden-Württemberg. According to current law, the three reactors must be switched off by December 31, 2022 at the latest.

While not only the Union, but also the governing party FDP is in favor of extending the term, the Greens ruled out the exit from the exit for a long time. Recently, however, there had been increasing signals from the party, for example from Chairwoman Ricarda Lang, that limited continued operation should not be taboo. In this crisis, you always have to “react to the current situation,” said Lang on ARD. All measures would have to be checked.

An initial stress test by the Federal Ministry of Economics for electricity supply in the spring showed that Germany’s security of supply was guaranteed even under difficult conditions. A second test is currently underway, the result of which is expected in the next few weeks.

According to the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems, the share of the three German nuclear power plants in net electricity generation in Germany this year was 6.4 percent as of today. In the same period, natural gas contributed 10.1 percent to the electricity mix, while renewable energies accounted for the largest share at 51.6 percent. The electricity generated by nuclear power this year could supply almost 4.5 million four-person households for a year at average consumption.

When asked whether he assumed that Russia might not deliver any more gas in the next few months, Habeck said on “RTL Aktuell”: “I think that’s the right attitude, yes. In any case, it won’t be any more.” Russia will continue to reduce the amount of gas in order to keep increasing the pressure. “My inner attitude is: We’ve looked at what Putin is doing for long enough.” But Germany is not defenseless.” It’s going to be tough, but we can also stand together and show Putin what a rake is.”

The Russian gas company Gazprom announced on Monday that it would again reduce natural gas deliveries through the Nord Stream 1 Baltic Sea pipeline. From Wednesday at 6 a.m. instead of 40 percent or 33 million cubic meters of gas would flow daily through the most important supply line to Germany, the company said. The reason is the repair of another turbine.