Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne presented Thursday in Vienne the axes of her plan for the countryside in order to respond to the feeling of relegation of the inhabitants and to accelerate the “return” of public services in rural areas.

In Saulgé, a village of 1,000 inhabitants located on the edge of the Brenne regional park, the former prefect of Vienne pronounced a real ode to rurality, stressing that “the time of the rural exodus is over”.

“Ruralities represent a model of quality of life, and attract many French people,” she said, explaining that the “France Ruralities” plan will allow “the return of our public services”.

Main lever for action, the “Villages of the Future” program, endowed with 15 million euros and placed under the aegis of the National Territorial Agency (ANCT). It completes the range of programs launched by the government since 2017 to enhance the attractiveness of medium-sized towns and small towns.

This program provides in particular for the provision of 100 project managers in the prefectures and sub-prefectures of the “most rural” territories with the aim of supporting mayors in their projects for “renovation of housing, organization of offer of care or opening of shops”.

Another measure, the remuneration of municipalities to maintain and preserve their natural heritage (forests, water, soil) with a “biodiversity and rural amenities” allocation increased to more than 100 million euros which will operate on the principle of “more protected area, more endowments”.

“It is a measure of justice, which embodies the complementarity between cities and countryside. Because when rural mayors mobilize for the maintenance of a forest, it is all of France that benefits, by preserving its carbon sinks , and limiting the risk of fire,” said the Prime Minister.

To improve the daily lives of residents, around thirty measures target health, with 100 “medicobuses” by the end of 2024, as well as transport and education. Elisabeth Borne welcomed in passing the Valletoux bill which aims to better organize the permanence of care on the territory without however providing for regulation of the facilities of doctors.

In order to revive villages whose habitat is falling into disrepair, a bonus of 5,000 euros per dwelling will be created for owners who rehabilitate their vacant dwellings or their secondary residences, against an obligation to rent.

Returning to the objective of “Zero net artificialisation” (ZAN) of soils, accused by rural mayors of “closing” the countryside, Ms. Borne said she was in favor of a “rural guarantee” which would leave each municipality ” development prospects”, without, however, specifying the modalities.

Finally, it confirmed the sustainability of the rural revitalization zones (ZRR) system, a zoning that gives the right to aid for businesses, health professionals, etc.

15/06/2023 16:05:34 – Saulgé (France) (AFP) – © 2023 AFP