It’s only a matter of hours. If you have no choice, you may be filling out a paper tax return. In this case, the deadline is very close. In fact, there is only until Tuesday, May 21, 2024 11:59 p.m. (the postmark is proof) to send this document to the tax authorities. This is also the case for people who reside abroad, according to the website of the Ministry of Economy and Finance.

The tax return must in principle be completed online or by mobile, but people who do not have access to the internet, or who are unable to complete their tax return electronically, can in principle send a paper tax return.

In the event of a delay, you risk having to pay a 10% surcharge. A formal notice should be sent to you.

If you delay in responding to the latter, the increase will be 20% and 40% if you do not respect a deadline of 30 days after sending the formal notice. Please note, “penalties for late declaration are calculated on the total amount of tax due, without taking into account advance payments and deductions already paid”, it is indicated on the website. Other common errors potentially involve markups. 

If you are able to send your tax return for the year 2023 electronically (on the website, the deadlines are also approaching. They are distributed by geographical areas: