On May 29, 2013, two people of the same sex married for the first time in France. This historic union is the result of the law of May 17, 2013 on marriage for all, carried by the Minister of Justice at the time, Christiane Taubira. The law opened up new rights for same-sex marriage, but its adoption was not easy. In an interview entrusted to our colleagues from Midi-Libre, the former Keeper of the Seals confides in the fight she led and the “death threats” she received daily.

Intimidation, threats… The Minister had to overcome many obstacles to achieve the adoption of this law. “Death threats were coming in multiple times a day and my security team had nearly doubled. There are places where people were completely hysterical, they managed to jump until they almost reached me, she explains before discussing the pressures she was under. They tried to intimidate me, to prevent the elevation of a republican institution to the ideal of equality. »

Ten years later, Christiane Taubira still has fond memories of the first union between two men in Montpellier. “It was wonderful, because it’s the people who bring the laws to life. We can fight for a fair law that expands a freedom or consolidates it, if people don’t seize it, it risks falling asleep. […] A lot of people tell me that it has changed their lives, it has calmed relationships, it has allowed young people to find the courage to talk about it at home, for parents to accept,” he explains. her to the newspaper.