The State will have to define a “national strategy” on the green industry for the period 2023-2030, voted, Tuesday July 18, the National Assembly, unanimously, within the framework of the examination of the bill aiming to accelerate the “decarbonized reindustrialization” of the country. The deputies adopted an amendment Les Républicains (LR) to this effect, which restores this measure introduced by the Senate at first reading, on the initiative of the Socialists.

Industry Minister Roland Lescure asserted that this strategy “exists” already, “it is effective, it produces results” but “we understand the need for a document” summarizing this strategy. The general rapporteur, Guillaume Kasbarian (Renaissance), also expressed his reservations about the measure, “not very restrictive” and redundant compared to plans already in progress. But he rallied to it in the face of a coalition of opposition in his favor.

There is a need for “a posed, enlightened national strategy” and “it must be stated very clearly”, pleaded Stéphane Viry (LR) in particular.

This strategy will have to determine “the strategic sectors which must be established or developed as a priority on the national territory”, and will promote “research and experimentation with new products and processes contributing to the ecological transition”, according to the adopted amendment. It will specify the professional training needs, added the deputies in particular.

Encourage “big five” projects

The government has made industrial recovery a priority battle after the pension crisis. In his bill, he notably puts on the table a shortening of the time limits for authorizations for establishment and new tools to attract private savings.

The text, under consideration by the Assembly until the end of the week, sets the objective of halving the average time to obtain authorization to open a factory, today estimated at seventeen months. The aim is to encourage projects like those of the “big five” – ​​wind, photovoltaic, heat pumps, batteries, carbon-free hydrogen.