
Pakistan’s Envoy to US Urges Washington for Balanced Relations with India

Pakistan’s Foreign Office spokesperson, Mumtaz Zahra Baloch, has urged Washington not to ‘over-align’ with India, emphasizing the importance of peaceful coexistence in the region. As Narendra Modi prepares for a third term as India’s Prime Minister, tensions between Pakistan and India remain high, particularly regarding the disputed region of Kashmir.

Modi’s recent election victory has left him relying on allies to form a government, leading to speculation about potential changes in India’s foreign policy towards Pakistan. Despite the longstanding disputes between the two countries, Pakistan has maintained a stance of advocating for constructive dialogue and engagement to address issues such as Kashmir.

Experts in Pakistani foreign affairs anticipate a more subdued approach from India under Modi’s third term, considering his weakened political position. While hopes for improved relations between the two countries persist, expectations for major breakthroughs remain cautious.

As Modi navigates his third term, balancing alliances with major global powers, including the US, Russia, and China, will be crucial. The dynamics of the region are likely to shift as Modi’s influence wanes, potentially opening up opportunities for a more pragmatic and less hostile relationship with Pakistan.

In the midst of uncertainty surrounding India’s foreign policy, Pakistan remains hopeful for a peaceful resolution to longstanding conflicts, emphasizing the need for a conducive environment for dialogue and cooperation. The future of relations between the two countries remains uncertain, with both sides cautiously optimistic about the potential for positive developments in the region.