President Emmanuel Macron expressed the wish on Sunday that the pension reform, which will be definitively adopted on Monday if the two motions of censure targeting the government of Elisabeth Borne are rejected, “can go to the end of its democratic journey”. “After months of political and social consultations and more than 170 hours of debate which resulted in the vote of a compromise text between the Senate and the National Assembly, the President of the Republic expressed to the two Presidents (of the Senate and of the Assembly, editor’s note) its wish that the text on pensions can go to the end of its democratic journey with respect for all, “said the Elysée in a message sent to AFP.

“Following intimidation attempts and threats against elected officials and state representatives, as well as damage to offices and public buildings, the President of the Republic called Gérard Larcher, President of the Senate, and Yaël Braun-Pivet, President of the National Assembly, to reaffirm her support for Parliament and all of its parliamentarians, as well as the mobilization of the government so that everything is done to protect them, “adds the Elysée.

Since Thursday, organized or spontaneous rallies have been taking place throughout the territory, calmly or with outbursts, against the reform which provides for the lowering of the starting age from 62 to 64 years old. In Lyon on Friday evening, demonstrators burst into a district town hall and lit a fire, which was quickly extinguished. The pressures on the Macronist deputies or LR have multiplied, with many parliamentary offices targeted with tags and vengeful inscriptions, and that of Eric Ciotti in Nice stoned in the night from Saturday to Sunday, with the inscription “La motion or the cobblestone”