The traffic light coalition would like to make immigration to Germany easier, also and above all to attract skilled workers. A new study now shows where the interested parties could come from.

India, Colombia and Turkey are among the countries where skilled workers are interested in a job in Germany. This is the result of a survey by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs. The authors of the survey approached almost 30,000 international specialists between the beginning of August and mid-October. Most of them had expressed an interest in immigrating for business purposes via the Make It In Germany website.

According to the information, 74 percent of those surveyed had a university degree. 15 percent were IT professionals. Nine percent were neither academics nor did they have a professional qualification. 70 percent of those who stated that they were interested in a professional future in Germany were men. Almost half of the potential migrant workers were single. Of the others, around 80 percent said they would bring their families with them.

Respondents named finding a job as the biggest hurdle. Many did not know where to find job offers in Germany and how to contact potential employers. Many wished for more support. Long waiting times for a visa and complicated procedures were also mentioned as problems. However, they were perceived as less serious than the difficulties in looking for a job from afar.

According to an OECD study, Indians are the largest group of skilled workers destined for Germany. 19 percent of the respondents come from India. One in ten is from Colombia. Nine percent of those interested are Turks, five percent Filipino citizens. Three out of five participants in the study stated that a positive attitude towards migrants in the destination country is very important to them. Only the quality of the education system and the health and social system were mentioned more frequently as decisive factors.

The federal cabinet passed a plan on Wednesday to help attract more qualified workers to Germany. The planned change in the law is to be flanked by advertising measures abroad in order to make Germany better known as a target country for skilled workers. In addition, foreigners who do not yet have an employment contract but meet certain other criteria should be able to come to Germany more easily to look for a job.