The discussion about an extension of the 9-euro ticket is raging nationwide, in Berlin the SPD is leading the way and is proposing at least a local solution to its coalition partners. This could increase the pressure on other federal states to bring about a solution at least from the beginning of 2023.

In order to relieve the citizens of the massive price increases, the Berlin SPD wants to extend the 9-euro ticket. As the RBB learned from party circles, the inexpensive public transport offer should apply in Berlin beyond the end of August until the end of the year.

The two state chairmen, the governing mayor Franziska Giffey and the parliamentary group leader Raed Saleh want to submit a corresponding proposal to the coalition partners Greens and Left. The three parties have agreed to form a coalition committee. The round should be about comprehensive relief for Berliners.

The SPD proposal envisages offering the 9-euro ticket in the AB fare zone by the end of the year. However, unlike the previous ticket, the heavily discounted monthly ticket would not be valid beyond the city limits of Berlin. Subscribers would save between 150 and 321 euros with this ticket, writes the “Berliner Morgenpost”. This is intended to bridge the period until the beginning of 2023. Then – so the hope of the Berlin Social Democrats – the federal government could step into the financing. According to reports, the Berlin Social Democrats want to campaign for this in the federal coalition.

SPD circles said the costs, estimated at between 300 and 400 million euros for the three months, could be financed with the sharp rise in tax revenue due to inflation. For September, however, the offer could no longer be realized, writes the “Berliner Morgenpost”. The technical conversion compared to the previous 9-euro ticket could not be accomplished in the few days until the beginning of the month.

With its demand for the continuation of cheap bus and train tickets, the Berlin SPD goes further than all other parties. According to a position paper, the Greens are in favor of a monthly 29-euro ticket in the region. According to RBB, CDU boss Wegner had recently only asked for ticket prices to be frozen.