While the joint Socialist Party-Public Square list is given just behind that of the presidential camp in the polls, the head of the list, Raphaël Glucksmann, regretted being excluded from the debate scheduled for May 23 between the Prime Minister, Gabriel Attal, and National Rally (RN) candidate Jordan Bardella, Sunday May 12. He denounced a “false duel” between the far right and the presidential camp, which, moreover, “invisibilizes” the Macronist candidate Valérie Hayer.

“Do you find it normal for the public service to organize a debate (…) between the right and the far right, excluding the left, two weeks before the European election? “, asked the MEP in the program “Dimanche en politique” on France 3. “Do you find it normal that a list which is “touch-touch” in the polls with the list of Macronists is excluded from this debate? Public service is the service of the public, not the service of the government,” protested Raphaël Glucksmann. The candidate also regretted that Valérie Hayer “is made invisible and replaced by the Prime Minister, who is not a candidate”.

“False duel” deemed “dangerous”

“Permanently reestablishing this false duel between the government and the far right, between Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen, between Mr. Attal and Mr. Bardella, it is extremely dangerous,” he also regretted.

The list led by Jordan Bardella stands at 32% of voting intentions, compared to 17% for that of the majority led by Valérie Hayer, in difficulty, closely followed by the list led by Raphaël Glucksmann (14%), according to the latest wave of the electoral survey carried out by Ipsos, in partnership with Cevipof, the Montaigne Institute, the Jean Jaurès Foundation and Le Monde, published at the end of April.

The planned debate between the head of government and Jordan Bardella will be held on May 23 from 8:15 p.m. on France 2. “It will be moderated by journalist Caroline Roux,” said the public television group. His outfit was announced at the start of the week while Emmanuel Macron asked the Prime Minister to get involved “as much as possible” in the European campaign last weekend, given the lack of momentum from the presidential camp in the polls .

Raphaël Glucksmann already debated on April 12 on France Inter against Jordan Bardella, but not against Valérie Hayer, nor against Gabriel Attal.