In Belarus, it came to new protests repeatedly to violence. In social media there was on Wednesday night, especially from the capital, Minsk, a lot of reports of heavy clashes between police and protesters. Security forces that were always brutal against peaceful people. In the news channel Telegram Videos have been released that show how Uniformed civilians to beat up and kick. For the evening protests were expected. The EU is considering, however, new sanctions against the authoritarian-run country.

It was already the third protest night in a row after the presidential election on Sunday. The police began to re-stun grenades and rubber bullets against demonstrators, as Videos showed. These to fought back with rocks and bottles and built isolated barricades. Explosions could be heard. The number of injured was not immediately known. On Tuesday, the authorities in Minsk of the 200 injured, would be treated in the hospital.

According to observers, the security forces, this time harder against demonstrators, as in the nights before. Many of the streets in Minsk were on lockdown. To hear was also, like cars as a sign of protest, honking through the city drove.

hundreds of people participated repeatedly in several cities of the country to the actions against electoral fraud. A detailed Overview was difficult at first, because it was in Belarus again, significant problems with the Internet. The authorities want to prevent with these tactics that the protesters are networking. Telegram founder Pavel Durov wrote on Twitter that programs against the network lock has been activated for Telegram for as many as possible stay available.

came How many people are in police custody, was initially unclear. Media reported that the journalists had been detained. There was talk of massive violence against reporters and photographers – including against journalists, accredited in Belarus. The British broadcaster, the BBC Russia reported that a film was a team of security forces had been attacked.

The protests in the country between Russia and EU member Poland broke out after the end of the election on Sunday evening. The anger of many people is directed against the head of state Alexander Lukashenko, who clings to 26 years in office in his Power. He threatened on several occasions with the use of the military. A total of were taken with the Stand Tuesday so far, more than 5000 people.