Suddenly famous: Within a few weeks, Defense Minister Boris Pistorius conquered the world stage with a clear edge and open words. He is now also appearing in the ranking of politicians – and immediately conquers the top spot.

A few weeks ago, Boris Pistorius was Interior Minister of Lower Saxony with at least ten years of experience in office. He was catapulted onto the world stage almost overnight when Chancellor Olaf Scholz made him the new Minister of Defense. Suddenly the Ukraine war, tank deliveries and equipment shortages in the Bundeswehr were among the SPD politician’s worries.

Pistorius has quickly made a name for himself and has already received a lot of praise. This is probably not only due to his experience as a minister, but above all to the open tone he adopts. The regularly compiled ranking of politicians by the opinion research institute Forsa shows that many people in Germany are also very satisfied with his work after just one month. Here Pistorius is in first place right away, displacing the previous leader Daniel Günther, the CDU Prime Minister of Schleswig-Holstein.

The Forsa politician ranking regularly determines which politicians the citizens see as “in good hands”. Respondents can give their assessment with values ​​from 0 (“is not in good hands at all”) to 100 (“is completely in good hands”). Pistorius gets 53 points on this scale – he is the only one above the 50 point mark. He benefits from the trust not only of SPD supporters, but also of voters of the other traffic light parties and the Union. Günther gains three points and now has 48 points. Chancellor Olaf Scholz, who, like NRW Prime Minister Hendrik Wüst (plus 1), has 45 points, can gain two points.

Three Greens form a green block with 44 points: Baden-Württemberg’s Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann (unchanged), Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock (minus 2) and Economics Minister Robert Habeck (unchanged). This is followed by Bavaria’s CSU Prime Minister Markus Söder (41, plus 2) and SPD leader Lars Klingbeil (41, plus 1). Health Minister Karl Lauterbach (37 points, minus 1), CDU leader Friedrich Merz (34 points, plus 1), Finance Minister Christian Lindner (33 points, minus 2), Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser (minus 3 ) and Justice Minister Marco Buschmann (plus 1) and FDP politician Wolfgang Kubicki (30 points, plus 1).

At the bottom are SPD leader Saskia Esken (26, unchanged), left-wing politician Sahra Wagenknecht (26, unchanged), who recently caused a stir and criticism with a “Manifesto for Peace”, left-wing leader Janine Wissler (21, plus 1 ) and the two AfD chairmen Alice Weidel (13, plus 1) and Tino Chrupalla (12, plus 1).

As in December and September of last year, Baerbock, Habeck, Scholz and Söder have the greatest trust among their own followers in February 2023, with values ​​of 78 and 79 points respectively. Esken and Wissler continue to have the least trust among their own supporters. The support of the CSU chairman Söder among the CSU supporters is still greater than that of the CDU chairman Merz among the supporters of the CDU.