Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s message about Ruth Elkrief continues to attract the wrath of the political sphere. Guest, Wednesday December 6, of RTL, the president (Les Républicains, LR) of the Senate, Gérard Larcher, attacked the leader of La France insoumise (LFI), telling him to “shut [his] mouth”.

“It’s irresponsible,” judged Mr. Larcher three days after Mr. Mélenchon’s message on the social network don’t insult Muslims, this fanatic is indignant”. Comments which quickly aroused the anger of political leaders while Ruth Elkrief had to be placed under police protection.

The President of the Senate criticized “someone who has millions of subscribers on Mr. Mélenchon “points the finger at one of your colleagues, and we can see with what allusion behind it,” he added, while the “rebellious” tribune is regularly accused of anti-Semitism.

Mr. Mélenchon “put himself outside the Republican arc,” added Mr. Larcher. On Monday, the government spokesperson, Olivier Véran, had already estimated that the former deputy for Bouches-du-Rhône had left “the Republican fold”, describing the “rebellious” leader as a “very embarrassing uncle who we do not ‘no longer wants to invite people to meals’.

A call to “rise higher”

“The Republican right is dead,” replied the coordinator of LFI, Manuel Bompard, on the social network , without the beginning of an argument.”

Mr. Larcher’s comments were disavowed by the deputy (Renaissance) for Vienne Sacha Houlié, for whom “the President of the Senate should not say that”. The president of the law committee of the National Assembly estimated on Europe 1 and CNews that “faced with the excesses of Jean-Luc Mélenchon, it is up to the political class to be a little more responsible and to take a higher position” .

On the right, Eric Ciotti, on the contrary, gave his support to Mr. Larcher: “I understand and I approve,” declared the president of LR during a press conference, denouncing “rebels” who “want to undermine our institutions » and “destroy the Republic”.

After remaining silent for a while, Mr. Mélenchon ended up reacting on X, following the tweet of journalist Olivier Truchot, who questioned this silence. The “rebellious” said he wanted to “let ridicule flood the entire field of [his] adversaries since Gérard Larcher’s remarks. All the indignations of the watchdogs are canceled out by the silence of the media class in the face of the blubbering of the brave soldier Larcher.”