The traffic light is heading for a third relief package. The SPD parliamentary group has already put together its proposals: the 9-euro ticket should become a 49-euro ticket, the needy will again receive direct payments and the gas levy must be put to the test.

In view of skyrocketing energy prices and high inflation, the SPD put together a third relief package for citizens. According to a report in the “Süddeutsche Zeitung”, the parliamentary group headed by Rolf Mützenich is proposing a package of measures aimed primarily at protecting households with low incomes and promoting the expansion of renewable energies. According to SZ, the Social Democrats are relying on further direct payments, a successor model for the nine-euro ticket and protective clauses for citizens and companies in financial distress.

The decision paper of the parliamentary group leadership was therefore intended for the parliamentarians’ retreat at the end of the week in Dresden. Now the package is up for debate earlier. The traffic light parties SPD, Greens and FDP will meet for the cabinet meeting in Meseberg in Brandenburg on Tuesday and Wednesday to set the first course. Because of record prices for gas and electricity, the government sees itself under pressure to act.

The Social Democrats wanted to help the citizens with direct payments, as they did with the energy flat rate of 300 euros, reports the SZ. This time, however, payments should be limited to middle- and lower-income earners, retirees, unemployment benefit recipients, students and trainees. According to the sheet, the paper does not provide any information about the amount of the payment and how the group of recipients should be precisely defined.

Depending on the further supply situation and the economic situation, the SPD wants to discuss an “electricity and gas price brake”. The price increase should be dampened for a certain basic requirement, which still has to be defined. In addition, there should be hardship rules. Tenants should not be allowed to terminate their contract if they cannot pay their additional costs. The housing allowance is to be reformed and permanently take heating costs into account.

If the SPD parliamentary group has its way, there will also be a successor to the nine-euro ticket. “In cooperation with the federal states, we want to introduce a nationwide valid public transport ticket with a monthly price of 49 euros, which will be borne 50 percent each by the federal and state governments,” the newspaper quoted from the decision paper.

The SPD also takes a look at companies. The SPD parliamentarians want to put up a “protective shield” for municipal energy suppliers, who currently have to buy electricity and gas at horrendous prices, with the aim of preventing insolvencies. The gas surcharge of 2.4 cents, which gas customers are supposed to pay from October, must be readjusted so that companies that are making profits do not also benefit from it.