The tax return can be, as every year, a source of anxiety for many taxpayers. Despite the pre-filling of a large amount of information, errors are still possible and some are more frequent than others. In this case, it can be difficult to find your way around and especially to worry about potential increases. Discover the 7 errors that will cost you an increase.

If the tax declaration is one of the essentials of spring, it remains feared by many French people. To combat this administrative concern, the tax authorities have introduced a right to make errors in order to be able to regularize their situation without paying a penalty, when an inaccuracy or omission has been made in the tax declaration. For example, in case you forgot to declare a taxable bonus, you can report it to your tax department. The right to error does not, however, apply to late filing of a declaration, late payment and deliberate errors or inaccuracies.

You have the ability to regularize your situation at any time, even at the time of a tax audit. A corrective declaration subscribed spontaneously allows you, therefore, to obtain a 50% reduction in the late payment interest rate, i.e. 1.2% per year instead of 2.4%. After initiating an inspection, the late payment interest will be reduced by 30% instead of 50% in the event of spontaneous regularization. Although errors remain possible, it is nevertheless essential to identify them in order to prevent them from creating conflicts in your daily tax life. Here, in our slideshow, are the 7 mistakes that will cost you extra.