The deadline is coming to an end. Residents of “zone 1” can still validate their income tax return for the year 2024, until Thursday April 23, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. This area covers the 19 departments listed in the slideshow below. Taxpayers who do not reside in France are also affected by this deadline. 

Please note, if you are unable to complete an electronic declaration, the paper version must have been sent before this Tuesday, May 21 at 11:29 p.m. (postmark taken as proof), to the tax administration. 

For residents of other departments, the schedule will be as follows:

Any missed deadlines may result in penalties, in the form of an increase.  The latter corresponds to 10% initially. If you delay in responding to the formal notice sent to you, it risks rising to 20% and even 40% of the amount of your taxes if you send your declaration more than 30 days after receipt of the reminder letter.

Be careful, these penalties are calculated by taking into account “the total amount of tax due, without taking into account advance payments and deductions already paid”, as specified on the website.

If you were able to answer all your questions and complete your declaration on time without omitting anything (especially be careful if you own real estate), you will probably wait for your tax notice.

Depending on your situation, they will reach you between July 24 and August 2, 2024. This time, it is possible late payments which may result in penalties. 

Here is the list of departments where you must complete and validate your income tax return before May 23 at 11:29 p.m.