The Social Security budget for 2024 was definitively adopted on Monday December 4 by Parliament, after the rejection in the National Assembly of a final motion of censure against the government tabled by left-wing deputies. A response to Elisabeth Borne’s last resort to 49.3 to pass this text without a vote, the motion only received 108 votes out of the 289 required to bring down the government.

In her speech in response to this motion tabled by the La France insoumise group, Ms. Borne recalled at the end of November the need for the country to have a budget and the absence, according to her, of “an alternative majority capable of governing”. “We need the Social Security financing bill to keep our social model alive,” she said later when using 49.3.

This financing bill provides for expenditure increasing by 3.2% in 2024 compared to 2023, to 254.9 billion euros. The “Secu” deficit, set at 8.8 billion euros in 2023 then at 10.7 billion in 2024, according to the latest government forecasts, could reach 17.5 billion by 2027. The draft law had been adopted on November 21 by senators in a substantially revised version.