Almost six months ago, Russia invaded Ukraine. But instead of a quick conquest, the Russian president must now declare a long war. Putin sees the reason for his failure not in Kiev’s resistance, but in the arms deliveries from the West.

Kremlin chief Vladimir Putin has blamed the US and the West for the bloodshed in Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine. The Western alliance is using the Ukrainians as “cannon fodder” for its “anti-Russia” project, Putin said in a video message to participants at the Moscow Conference on International Security almost six months after the start of the war. The President complained that the conflict was being protracted by the supply of heavy weapons from the US and other Western countries.

Putin had previously accused the United States of wanting to fight the fight to the last Ukrainian. The USA and the West, on the other hand, emphasize that they support Ukraine in its fight for freedom from state independence against Russian appropriation. Putin accused the US of gearing its foreign policy to destabilizing entire regions – through provocations, coups and civil wars. As in Ukraine, the country is also active in Africa, Latin America and Asia, Putin claimed. In view of the Russian occupation of large parts of the Ukraine, he himself sees himself confronted with accusations of imperial politics in the West.

Putin particularly criticized the trip to Taiwan by US House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi in early August. This visit by “an irresponsible politician” was “a brazen disregard for a country’s sovereignty,” Putin said. Russia is on the side of China, which sees Taiwan as part of the People’s Republic and strictly rejects official contacts from other countries to the island state. With a “targeted and conscious strategy” the US would “pour fuel on the fire”, assert its supremacy and distract from domestic political problems, he said.

At the same time, the 69-year-old once again defended the invasion of Ukraine. It serves Russia’s security and the protection of the people in Donbass. It is a sovereign right of an independent state that does not submit to Western chaos, “liberal totalitarianism” and “neo-colonialist striving for supremacy” by the USA. The security conference in Moscow shows that a multipolar world is emerging, said Putin.