After Germany had promised Ukraine the provision of Marder armored personnel carriers, Bundestag Vice-President Göring-Eckardt called for the next step to be to deliver Leopard-type main battle tanks. FDP Vice Kubicki urges close coordination with NATO partners.

The Vice Presidents of the Bundestag, Katrin Göring-Eckardt and Wolfgang Kubicki, have campaigned for the delivery of German Leopard main battle tanks to Ukraine. “It would be wrong to stand still with the promise for Marder armored personnel carriers,” Göring-Eckardt told the newspapers of the “Funke Mediengruppe”. “We should do and deliver everything that is possible. This includes Leopard tanks.”

Kubicki said it “might be sensible to supply not only Marder but also Leopard tanks”. It is important to maintain Ukraine’s defense capability. However, any further step in supporting Ukraine must be closely coordinated with NATO partners, he added. He thinks nothing of Germany going it alone on this issue.

The US had announced a new package for Kyiv worth 2.8 billion euros. This also includes Bradley armored personnel carriers. The attacked country is to receive around 40 Marder infantry fighting vehicles and a Patriot anti-aircraft system from Germany.

Although Ukraine has received Western tanks in the past, these were anti-aircraft, armored transport or recovery tanks and not infantry fighting vehicles. Main battle tanks from the West – such as Abrams or Leopard – have not yet been delivered.