“I haven’t changed my ambition. And I learned from my mistakes. » In an interview given on Saturday, February 3 to the daily newspaper Ouest-France, the president of the Hauts-de-France region, Xavier Bertrand (Les Républicains), affirms that he “fully intends” to run for office. presidential election of 2027, in order, he says, to oppose the far right.

“Many today already think that 2027 will be Marine Le Pen’s turn. Not me ! I am convinced that there is not a majority of fascists in our country, but there is a majority of angry French people. I intend to answer it when the time comes. So no, in 2027, it will not be the turn of the far right,” he specifies.

The former minister of Jacques Chirac and Nicolas Sarkozy, who was eliminated from the 2022 presidential election at the stage of the Republican primary, launched his movement, Nous France, in October 2022 in Saint-Quentin (Aisne). “A modern, young and unifying movement”, which aims to be resolutely opposed to the far right. The former minister then described himself as “a man of the social right, Gaullist”.

Aged 58, he explains in Ouest-France that he wants to defend a “Republic of territories”. “The State, at the national level, must ensure the state: security, justice, control of immigration, defense, fight against Islamism. But for everything that concerns daily life, let’s stop bringing decision-making back to Paris so that it comes down to the ground with a delay,” he explains.

He also denounces a government that is “too Parisian in the sense that it is unable to look beyond the ring road, which explains its inability to anticipate crises, to feel what the French are experiencing.”

On the right, another regional president, Laurent Wauquiez, is also a potential candidate for the next presidential election.