
Xbox has announced a major update to its gaming platform that brings back the traditional friend request feature. This change will make it easier for gamers to connect with each other and build their online communities. In this article, we will explore what gamers need to know about this update and how it will impact their gaming experience.

New Friend Request System

The new friend request system on Xbox works similarly to other social platforms, where users can send friend requests that can be accepted or denied. This change marks a shift from the previous system, where users could simply add another Xbox account to their follow list, and if both accounts followed each other, they were automatically upgraded to friends.

This new system gives users more control over who they connect with on the platform. It allows them to choose who they want to be friends with and who they prefer to just follow. This change is in line with the feedback from the Xbox community, who have been asking for a more traditional friend request system.

Privacy and Notification Options

In addition to the new friend request system, Xbox is also introducing new privacy and notification options to help users manage their connections. Players will be able to set who is allowed to follow them or send them friend requests, giving them more control over their online interactions.

These privacy settings will allow users to customize their online experience and ensure that they only connect with people they feel comfortable with. This will help create a safer and more enjoyable gaming environment for everyone on the platform.

Release Date and Availability

While the blog post announcing the new friend request system did not provide a specific release date, it is currently available as a preview for users in the Xbox Insiders program. This means that some players will already have access to the new system and can test out its features before it is rolled out to the general public.

The preview phase allows Xbox to gather feedback from users and make any necessary adjustments before the official release. This ensures that the new friend request system is as user-friendly and effective as possible when it is made available to all Xbox users.

Overall, the new friend request system on Xbox is a welcome change that will make it easier for gamers to connect with each other and build their online communities. With the added privacy and notification options, users will have more control over their online interactions and can create a safer and more enjoyable gaming experience for themselves and others.