“Annexions are in fashion this season,” say organizers of a protest in Poland. Which is why they, for their part, are initiating a referendum with the question: should Poland annex the Russian embassy?

Hundreds of people voted in a sham referendum on Saturday to annex the Russian embassy in Poland. “Annexations are in fashion this season,” said the organizers of the unusual protest action, alluding to Russia’s announced annexation of four Ukrainian regions after the illegal referendums there.

Wrapped in the blue and yellow Ukrainian flag and holding protest placards, people lined up to cast their ballots in the ballot box set up in front of the palatial embassy building in Warsaw. The ballot included the question of whether Poland should annex the Russian embassy. The answer was three options – all three were a “yes”.

“This is a much more democratic idea than these referendums on Ukrainian territory, held under guns and rockets,” said Warsaw-based Ukrainian lawyer Marija Volkolup. The 46-year-old Russian Grigory, who left his homeland in August, said he took part in the protest to show his support for Ukraine. “I condemn this war launched by Putin and I want to show that not all Russians support it,” he said.

As a new use for the embassy building after the annexation, the organizers proposed various options, including a refugee shelter, a cultural center, a zoo – and public toilets. The protest action was organized by a loose association of civil and human rights organizations. According to their own statements, they want to ask the Polish government in an open letter to expel the Russian ambassador.