
In Benjamin Brewer’s directorial debut, a post-apocalyptic thriller featuring Nicolas Cage, the film takes viewers on a tense journey through a world ravaged by an alien invasion of unknown origins. Cage plays a survivalist single dad raising his two teenage sons in a remote rural area, where they must barricade themselves in their farmhouse every night to protect against mysterious creatures that roam in the darkness. The family’s routine is disrupted when one of the sons falls into a crevasse, leading to a series of events that test their survival skills and bonds.

While the film follows some familiar post-apocalyptic thriller tropes seen in movies like Monsters and A Quiet Place, it manages to keep viewers engaged with compelling character drama and moments of tension that lead to an action-packed climax. The VFX expertise of the director shines through in the portrayal of the monsters, which are kept hidden for as long as possible to build suspense and are well-executed when revealed on screen.

Despite the film’s effective execution of the genre’s conventions, some critics have pointed out Nicolas Cage’s underutilization in the film. Known for his dynamic performances, Cage’s portrayal of the stoic father is somewhat restrained, leaving audiences wanting more of his trademark intensity and charisma on display. However, his presence still adds a layer of gravitas to the film, showcasing his versatility as an actor even in a more subdued role.

Overall, Benjamin Brewer’s post-apocalyptic thriller delivers a solid and engaging viewing experience, combining elements of suspense, family dynamics, and survival against the backdrop of a mysterious alien invasion. While it may not break new ground in the genre, the film benefits from a competent direction, strong performances from the cast, and a well-paced narrative that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats until the very end. For fans of tense and atmospheric thrillers, this film is definitely worth a watch.