When changing bank accounts, there are many steps to take. If you are retired and want to continue receiving your pension without any delay, it is important to inform your pension organization to make a change to your bank details. Find out what to do.

When you change bank accounts, you must notify your pension fund as quickly as possible in order to continue to receive your retirement pension each month. In fact, the sooner the steps are taken, the more you will avoid the slightest problem in the settlement of your pension. To inform your organization, it is possible to contact it by mail or complete the process directly online. When sending a letter, you will need to attach your new bank identity statement: the processing time may however be longer than when requesting on the internet due to the delivery time of your shipment. It is also necessary to note your last name, first name and Social Security number in your mail.

If you decide to communicate your new bank identity statement online, you can, in many cases, communicate directly via a dedicated form. The bank identity statement provided must mention your name or that of your legal representative. If you are placed under guardianship or any other protective measure, the judgment of this decision must also be sent. It is recommended not to close your old account until you are certain that your pension will now be paid into your new account.

Do you dream of becoming the new Stéphane Plaza? Why not ! The real estate market is very dynamic and the sector is recruiting throughout France. In town and in the countryside, real estate remains attractive even in times of crisis. According to the Nexity website, in 2023, sales could reach 950,000 compared to 1.1 million in 2022. Rural areas are still popular since the lifting of successive confinements. In short, real estate investment is not running out of steam and still remains the preferred investment of the French.

To become a real estate agent, you will need certain qualities. First of all, be mobile and have a means of transportation available, because outside meetings follow one another throughout the day. A certain endurance and a little patience will allow you to survive sometimes long days.

A taste for human contact and a spirit of persuasion are other qualities essential to working as a real estate agent. In fact, you will have to convince either the owners to trust you, or the potential buyers to conclude a sale with your agency.

To become a real estate agent, it is recommended to have solid training to successfully understand the challenges of the profession. Different levels of training are also possible. Some ranging from Bac 2 to Bac 5. You can therefore start with a BTS in real estate professions (possible on a work-study basis), then continue with a professional license specialized in real estate.

Then completing the training with a professional master’s degree in real estate and housing law, real estate law or town planning and construction will allow you to specialize and gain skills even if in this profession many things can be learned on the ground.

To specialize in a specific area of ​​real estate, there are also masters in project management and real estate management or heritage and real estate management. Finally, a diploma from ESPI, the higher school of real estate professions, could be a real asset for entering this profession. There are campuses all over France in Paris, Nantes, Marseille, Lyon and even Montreal. 

The start of a career requires a lot of investment for a gross monthly salary of 1,500 euros which will increase over the years to 5,000 euros gross. Depending on the sales made in his agency, a salaried real estate agent with commission will receive between 10 and 15% of the fees.

Indeed, after obtaining the professional card, the real estate agent often begins his career as an employee of a real estate agency, looking after rental properties. He may also be required to canvass surrounding buildings to sign new mandate contracts. As he gains experience and develops his network, he can become a real estate negotiator and manage more profitable transactions.