Social isolation, loss of meaning, drop in income… If retirement is synonymous with well-deserved rest, it is also a source of anxiety for those who are approaching it. According to an OpinionWay survey in partnership with PREVOIR carried out among 1,250 people, at the end of January 2017, 79% of those questioned expected a drop in their standard of living following the cessation of their professional activity. In addition, “85% of them actually noticed a deterioration in their standard of living upon retirement.” But the financial dimension is not the only aspect to take into account when ceasing activity…

Emeric Lebreton is a doctor in psychology and teacher-researcher at the university. He is also co-founder of the Orientaction group, a network which supports professional development throughout life. “We support at three ages of life: young people in choosing their studies, adults who wish to retrain, and seniors in preparing for their retirement and their last years of activity,” explains us. he.

According to this expert, leaving at legal retirement age is “not the best option for everyone”. “Work is essential to the psychological balance of individuals. It is the altruistic dimension of society and the social dimension of the human being,” he explains. Are you hesitant, for your part, to take the plunge? To know whether or not you are ready to stop all professional activity, it is essential to ask yourself the right questions. In our slideshow below, consult Emeric Lebreton’s advice to help you make your decision: should I continue working or retire?