
India’s cricket team has always been known for their confidence on the field, often giving off the impression that they already know the outcome of the game before it even begins. This air of self-assurance has been a key factor in their success in many matches. However, when it comes to World Cup knockout games, the pressure is higher and the stakes are greater. It remains to be seen if India can maintain their composure and convert their confidence into wins in these crucial matches.

Expectations in India are always high when it comes to cricket, with fans and experts alike expecting nothing less than victory. This pressure to perform can be both a blessing and a curse for the players. On one hand, it pushes them to strive for excellence and to give their all on the field. On the other hand, it can also weigh heavily on their shoulders and affect their performance negatively.

As we look ahead to the upcoming World Cup matches, it will be interesting to see how India navigates this delicate balance between the blessings and curses of expectations. Will they be able to rise to the occasion and deliver when it matters most? Only time will tell.