third at the world Championships in London in 2017, the Second in the European championship of Berlin in 2018 – the development curve of the hurdles Sprinter Pamela Dutkiewicz was a very successful year 2019. But instead of a victory at the indoor European championship in Glasgow in Winter, or a success in the world Cup of Doha, in the autumn, which would have made her a shoo-in for the Olympic Games of Tokyo in 2020, there was nothing. “I have calculated that together,” said the 28-year-old athlete from Wattenscheid in the Winter: “in 2019, I was injured five and a half months.”

Michael Reinsch

a correspondent for sports in Berlin.

F. A. Z.

Now she’s back – at least a little bit. This Saturday, Pamela Dutkiewicz at the German Championships in Braunschweig, Germany – her first Competition since February. At the time, PämBäm, “as it’s called in your Posts on Instagram broke off”, the indoor season before the German championship. “I was not ready for such competitions,” she says today. “But if I want to for a few months after the Olympic Games, I need to make. Since every hour counts, practically.“

pressure drop and absolute relief

As you grabbed in the spring of their stuff for training camp in Florida, came up with the Corona-pandemic impact-Lockdown, travel stop and the shift of the games – for the ambitious Pamela Dutkiewicz, a pressure drop, absolute relief. “I’d be lying if I spoke only from the Participate in,” she had said in the Winter about your claim. Tokyo should and is supposed to be the peak of your power curve and the peak of their career. How powerful is your ambition, how strong your will is, it is clear when she talks about dealing with your muscle despite the body: “I got him up and dragged along always.”

As for the punishment were severe muscle injuries, one in Training for the indoor championship and the other in a warm-up for the sports festival of Monaco. “I had been quite evil to my body,” recalls the athlete. “I ignored pain, I went over it. And then it made twice, Bang.“ Her sportive flight, they wanted to offer their best times of 7.79 seconds in the hall and 12,61 seconds on the hundred-Meter hurdles, it was an abrupt end. “The injuries have led me to my body,” she says now. “I’m grateful for what he has done, but I had to let him rest. I had a three-bomb years, but the pressure was bigger, the backpack is getting heavier and heavier. Because time out did go really well.“

injury and conversion

The Situation was not new for the hurdles Sprinter. At the German indoor championship 2015 was overthrown in Second and had suffered torn ligaments in both ankles – a Knockout. You took advantage of the Pause to check your eating habits with the help of a physician and correct. Four years later, she found a lactose intolerance. Since you omitted dairy products, has not lost Pamela Dutkiewicz only weight, but also the feeling of Heaviness.

And now this relief. “The postponement of the games feels like a given year,” she says. Over the hunt to competitions and the best of times; of full throttle without regard for losses Pamela Dutkiewicz and national coach Slawomir Filipowski in a gentler pace and switched back. The work week has, more recently, two instead of a day of Regeneration. “As long as it is now,” she says, “I was not in the past two years, complaint free.” The recovery starts in the head. Such as the long jump champion Malaika Mihambo Pamela Dutkiewicz has begun to