Actress Isabelle Huppert has shared her life for more than 40 years with director Ronald Chammah. The two artists met in 1980 on the set of the film La Dame aux Camélias and they have never left each other since.

About their relationship, filmmaker Catherine Breillat told Vanity Fair in 2019: “She marabouted her man. Thanks to him, she sacrifices nothing, neither her family nor her art, the only things that really matter to her. Thanks to him, above all, she never descended into madness like other actresses.”

From their union three children were born: Lorenzo Chammah, Angelo Chammah and Lolita Chammah who followed in her mother’s footsteps by becoming an actress. This fashion icon is still as close as ever to her children, as she declared in an interview with Gala in 2017.

“The youngest (Angelo, Editor’s note) is certainly an adult, but I do not yet completely consider him an adult – perhaps I am wrong. I have a look of wonder at them, as I have from the beginning”, she explained and continued: “Children are the adventure of a lifetime (…) My real satisfaction, my real goal, is to know that they are and will be happy whatever they do I would have been just as happy if they had chosen a very different voice.

It must be said that his daughter Lolita is also a leading actress in French cinema. She played in around thirty films including Copacabana in which she played opposite her famous mother as well as subsequently in the film Barrage by Laura Schroeder.

Guest on the show C à vous, on April 2, 2024, the actress shared some secrets about her sons Lorenzo and Angelo. To get closer to them, the star took an interest… in football. “I love football because I love my sons. It’s a good way to love it,” she explained and continued: “It’s true that sport is great. for children. It builds their personality, their self-confidence, their endurance… It’s wonderful, I’m not sporty. “It’s great,” she concluded.

On May 2, 2024, Lolita Chammah published a book entitled I watched the night fall, published by Stock. A work in which the actress, pregnant with her second child in 2022, reveals having lost her baby, born very prematurely at five and a half months of pregnancy. “You should be there but you are not there. And in this absolute gap of your absence, my little boy, I decided that you were there, that you were taking your place day after day. Kolia. I am talking about you to the world near me, to those who don’t know you”, we can read in an excerpt.

“I speak of you to the wind in the trees, to the blue of the sky, to the salty sea, to the spring flowers. The earth is full of you, and I am there. In this senseless pain of your loss, I have you returned life, a certain life inside me. I speak of you because I believe in the immense strength that you gave me. I have two children, one in heaven and one on earth. , writes the mother of Gabriel Merz Chammah. A story that she tells today, breaking the silence in the media, like this Tuesday, May 28 on France Inter (see in the slideshow). Focus on the photos of Isabelle Huppert’s children and grandchildren.