All aspects of NFL’s Covid-19 protocols have been suspended. The NFL cited recent trends that indicate that coronavirus spread is decreasing.

The league and players’ association reached an agreement and sent a memo Thursday to all 32 teams. It stated that the league was encouraging trends in the severity and prevalence of COVID-19, evolving guidance from CDC, changes in state law, and the counsel of their respective experts as reasons for the move.


If the NFL finds reasons to revise any aspect of the protocols, it will do this in conjunction with the NFL Players Association.

The memo from The Associated Press states that teams must comply with all applicable laws. They may also continue to take reasonable measures to protect their players and staff.

Players and staff are no longer required to wear face covers at team facilities regardless of their vaccination status. However, each club may require it. Signs of social distancing are no longer required.

The league has decided to eliminate mandatory surveillance testing for players and staff. Only when medically necessary or under the guidance of a team physician will testing be performed.

Each team must also have the ability to accept anyone reporting symptoms that need testing.

Weight room restrictions have been removed, including limits on capacity, but each team can still set its own rules.

Since Jan. 3, tracing devices are no longer required and the service has been discontinued.

Everyone is encouraged to monitor for signs and symptoms of Covid-19 every day before they enter the league facility. Anyone who is positive for Covid-19 must remain isolated for at least five days.

The pandemic did not cause any NFL games to be cancelled during the last two seasons, but many were moved for the 2020 season. The league reported that 95 percent of players were vaccinated and almost 100 percent of team personnel had been.