
Ronda Rousey, once considered one of the biggest stars in UFC, faced a crushing defeat against Holly Holm back in 2015. The loss shattered her unbeatable image and left her questioning her entire game plan. Rousey recently opened up about what went wrong during the fight and how she was unable to execute her strategy after getting hit hard by Holm right at the beginning.

Her initial plan against Holm involved keeping the former boxing champion off the center line and overpowering her against the cage using her judo skills. However, the first punch from Holm left Rousey disoriented and unable to see clearly, leading to a cascade of events that prevented her from following through with her strategy.

Rousey explained that her usual approach involved planning the first exchange and then improvising based on the opponent’s reactions. She recounted a past fight against Miesha Tate where she was able to manipulate the situation to set up a submission successfully, unlike her bout with Holm.

Despite facing criticism for her performance, Rousey defended her coaches, stating that once the fight began, she was solely focused on the moment and unable to hear their instructions clearly. She recalled instances from her judo tournaments where coaches gave inaccurate advice, highlighting her ability to adapt and make split-second decisions in the heat of the fight.

The defeat against Holm not only marked a turning point in Rousey’s career but also shed light on the unpredictability of combat sports. It showcased the fine line between success and failure, emphasizing the importance of quick thinking and adaptability in high-pressure situations.

As Rousey continues to reflect on her past fights and experiences, she hopes to inspire others to learn from her mistakes and approach challenges with resilience and determination. Despite the setbacks she faced in her career, Rousey remains a trailblazer in the world of mixed martial arts, leaving behind a legacy that transcends victories and defeats.