In the Biel-based long alley to play since last Monday night, perhaps the most controversial scenes in this Corona Phase. Here, the training is locally of the Zeeland transducer, king Christian Stucki is here to tackle in the sawdust for the first time since March, his prominent Association colleagues Florian Gnägi (32, 95 wreaths) and Dominik Roth (24, 20 wreaths) uncompromising.

On the comradely Handshake before the Training, the “Evil” but because of the provisions of the Swiss Federal office for health without having to. Also Stucki shakes, therefore, be edgy main: “If you like, we overshoot in the fight so close, it would be, in my opinion, the smallest Problem, if you shake the Welcome Hand.”

keep your fingers. first of all, again

contrary to get used to But because of the 1,98-metre-long Overshoot of his big role model is aware of, he stretches out his colleagues to see you again very BAG-like the elbow After a loose football Mätchli to warm up the paws to attack by the strongest confederates but again really strong – the Roth Dominik, who last year at the prestigious Brünig-Schwinget got hold of a wreath, is in a fight with “chrigu see” ‘t stand a chance.

During the Gnägi “Flöru” after virtually every training fight to the faucet is not in a hurry to free his hands from possible viruses, detects Stucki to his first massive “Churzzügen” with respect to its grippers, a small deficit: “It’s still running like clockwork, my fingers need to get used to at first again to put on their drill trousers.” And another thing: “After so long a sawdust-abstinence the body reacts to such a batter much more sensitive, it itches me just pretty. I’m still very happy and grateful that I can finally Swing again.”

The were cancelled, most of the wreath fixed a long time ago, does the Motivation from the 128-fold wreath winner no interruption: “Now, my focus in Training is already full for the season 2021 directed.”

Transmits SRF spirits-vibration-resistant?

but It is quite possible that this year a number of significant competitions are held. The Bernese Oberland Association wants to carry out his wreath festival in Frutigen in October, if the Federal Council allow until then, at least events with a minimum of 1000 spectators. And the Swiss television has submitted to the ESV in accordance with the VIEWS of the research, even the request for the Transmission of a voice without an audience.

Stucki countered this proposal, but with a good Dose of skepticism: “I see a little bit of meaning behind it, if we are to provide a transducer in front of empty stands just for the TV, a big Show, to amuse, so to speak, of the mob. One should not forget that this Sport lives strong by the unique festive atmosphere, which the audience produces during a race.”

Gnägi is not entirely with the king agree

How to think of the nine-fold wreath winner, Florian Gnägi about it? “I Chrigus opinion that our Sport lives strong festive atmosphere. But in a year where many of the Schwinger-friends no firm will be able to visit, I’d think it not unreasonable, if we were to provide you with at least a Competition in the TV-room.”

The Central Board by the Federal wrestling Association, has discussed on Wednesday for the first time, on the request from the Swiss television. An ultimate decision in this matter, but still.