Action Group Fights to Save Historic Gin Distillery from Closure

An action group has recently emerged in a last-ditch effort to save The Oxford Artisan Distillery, known as TOAD, from shutting down and relocating to a larger factory in Yorkshire. The distillery, which was established in 2017 as Oxford’s first-ever distillery, has become a beloved venue and brand in the city.

Despite plans to move the distillery to increase production capacity, residents, local businesses, MPs, and the distillery’s founder, Tom Nicolson, have rallied behind the Friends of TOAD group to prevent the closure. The group is determined to keep the artisan spirits business operational in Oxford and has presented alternative plans to the distillery.

Tom Nicolson, who dedicated a decade to creating the successful distillery, emphasized the significance of preserving TOAD’s presence in Oxford. He acknowledged the need for the business to expand but stressed the importance of maintaining its roots in the city.

Supporters of TOAD, including local authorities, universities, and businesses, have expressed their concerns about the potential closure. Efforts to save the distillery have garnered widespread support, with calls for the current owners to reconsider their decision to relocate.

As the future of The Oxford Artisan Distillery hangs in the balance, the community remains hopeful that a solution can be reached to preserve this iconic establishment in the heart of Oxford.