In recent days, information has circulated on social networks stating that WhatsApp could go into a loop and be blocked if we received a message and clicked on it. That message was the following, ‘’, a text that led us to a link that, when clicked, crashed the application and forced the closure of WhatsApp and even our phone.

Well, that ‘bomb message’ exists but it is not the one that had been disseminated but rather a very similar one: ‘’. If at any time you receive it in a conversation, there is no need to panic since it is not dangerous by itself. Of course, do not click on it as it will lead you to a link that can cause the app and your terminal to enter a fatal loop.

This link is not designed as malware. Let’s go, it does not seek to damage your mobile or cause it any harm, but it accidentally activates an application failure, which tries to open a channel without having the name of said channel, also using a function that is not fully developed yet, so this it generates an infinite loop of requests and errors that ends up ‘breaking’ the app.

The problem, which for now only affects Android, begins to consume terminal resources in that infinite loop. This causes the phone’s RAM to overflow and end up blocking it.

This bug in the application will surely be corrected in future Meta updates, but until then, be careful what you click on.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project