Inès Reg back on our screens? A month after her defeat in the final of season 13 of Dancing with the Stars, the comedian and best enemy of the winner Natasha St-Pier was announced in the casting of a new project: that of a TV film dealing with school bullying entitled Teenage but not too much.

“Soon, I am going to shoot a fiction actually about school bullying, after having experienced harassment at work…”, confirmed Caroline Margeridon’s rival when she appeared on Quotidien on April 29 on TMC. “I don’t know if I can tell you too much about it because we haven’t even started filming. You are too strong to have this information”, indicating to Yann Barthès. “It’s not at all inspired by my life, but it’s true that I also experienced school bullying. It was written alongside and it was suggested to me and it spoke to me”, revealed the one who suffered physical attacks when she was in primary school.

Small in size – at 1.50 m tall – but big in talent, Inès Reg’s repartee hits the mark with the public. While the winner of Beijing Express All Stars was due to start filming her new fiction in Reims on June 12, everything did not go as planned. We take stock.

According to information from L’Union, the production has put the project on hold. “For the moment, filming has been cancelled. We don’t know if it has been postponed or definitively abandoned. We haven’t received any explanation,” a member of the team told the regional daily. According to our colleagues, part of the filming of this TV movie was to take place in a high school in the city with around 250 extras.

However, new information was provided by Le Parisien. “This filming has been postponed,” Inès Reg’s entourage has just announced to the Ile-de-France newspaper. A decision taken due to a “diary incompatibility” of Christophe Licata’s partner who left to rest in Morocco just after the DALS final, and who could not be reached at the moment.

Finally, for the independent journalist Clément Garin who relays on A silence that leaves you perplexed. For now, the filming of the two episodes would be postponed “by at least a month” according to Le Parisien.

Will Inès Reg really be integrated into the fiction project? Will she pay cash for her conflicts with her ex-adversaries, at the risk of being excluded from the TV movie? Before knowing more, the new investigator of Mask Singer will soon be the heroine of a detective comedy entitled Les Infaillibles, directed by Frédéric Forestier, in which she shares the poster with her ex-husband Kevin Debonne, on June 20 next on Prime Video.