
  • Page 1 — conflicts on re-submission
  • Page 2 — The Syria crisis is pushing back to Europe
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    Angela Merkel and Vladimir Putin can also be left alone. The Russian president speaks very well German, Chancellor passable Russian. But, above all, advisors and observers can be reassured that situation remains under control when two of m put ir heads toger – we do not have to deal with Donald Trump here, after all. So it does not have to worry anyone, if two only give scant statements before ir conversation at Schloss Meseberg in Brandenburg, but journalist afterwards no more speech and answer on this Saturday evening. “This is a working meeting, no specific results are to be expected now,” Merkel had already dampened expectations before. They reckon with “controversy.”

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    The meeting in guesthouse of federal government does not lack sensitive subjects, but it is not just a gala appointment überfrachteter with symbolism, but rar continuation of a longstanding diplomatic debate. The positions are clear and no one underestimates or, so an approximation is difficult and cannot be done in one evening, especially since in many conflicts or states are still in business. But a look at calendar lets hope that something develops: within a few months it is already second bilateral discussion of two, alongside intensified contacts at ministerial level.

    In Meseberg, Merkel also talks about taking up “conversation thread of Sochi” again. There, two had only met in May with a very similar agenda. The Chancellor emphasizes importance of contact with Russia, mainly because of “many also very serious conflicts worldwide” – “We have responsibility, and that is why we should work to find solutions,” she said. Putin also emphasizes “great importance” of cooperation with Germany. The relationship is marked by respect, which is felt here.

    One of unresolved conflicts on resubmission is situation in Ukraine. There, Chancellor’s goal remains to impose a ceasefire in east of country and agreements of Minsk agreement. Without such progress, federal government sees no reason to soften sanctions against Russia, despite corresponding demands from parts of German politics and industry. Nor is it questionable for m to acknowledge international annexation of Ukrainian Crimean Peninsula by Russia.

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    An international peacekeeping force of UN has been in discussion for some time. Between Ukraine, Europeans and Russia, however, re are different ideas about design of mandate. The Kremlin now wants to see blue helmet soldiers only on current ceasefire line between Russian-supported separatist militias and Ukrainian army, where observers of OSCE mission are currently in operation. Ukraine insists that UN force must be deployed throughout occupied east of country and also control border with Russia. Before conversation in Meseberg, Merkel said that Germany wanted to continue to mediate with France – so meeting at castle is also only an intermediate step.

    In face of developments in Syria, Putin seems to be trying to use European fears of new refugee crises for his purposes. “It is important to expand humanitarian component of Syrian conflict, especially humanitarian aid for Syrian people,” such as water supply or medical aid, he says in Meseberg. It is particularly important in those Syrian regions that refugees from abroad could return home – not only from Europe, but also from neighbouring countries of Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey. “This is potentially a big burden for Europe,” Putin says.

    An unpleasant offer has been half-pronounced in room for some time: Russia could facilitate return of fled Syrians to ir homeland and enable a peace process if Europe were to arrange itself with status quo and to do so to rebuild Syria Co-financed or loosened sanctions. So West pays for destruction that Bashar al-Assad and his allies, including Putin, have done, Russian president wants to keep his protégé from next big massacre in last opposition province of Idlib, he said recently. Questionable wher one listens to or and how serious such offers are to be taken at all. Because se same offensive is currently preparing Russia.