A couple of plush bunnies, to see through the glass doors. In addition, daffodils from plastic, colorful Easter eggs and green turf stand. Lights no longer burn in this souvenir shop at Frankfurt airport, probably for weeks. The rear part of the store is completely dark. Cuckoo clocks and jumping jacks but could probably go again soon over the counter.

. On Monday morning it is still quiet at the Terminal 1. In the huge reception hall single people to push your suitcase leisurely beside him, look at billboards on the Information. Most of the Check-in counters are not yet occupied. Hectic, no one seems to be here. Only in the group prior to the switch to Athens a little movement. Two airport employees in green vests trying to the people grape deflect in an ordered series. All must comply with the safety distance. An announcement related to the obligation to cover the airport’s mouth and nose.

Business waiting in the air

In the queue is an elderly man with a shirt and mask. He travels for business reasons in the Greek capital and has chosen specifically for the flight on Monday. “I’ve been tracking this constantly, what time is the first possible date to enter the country,” he says. Today, it is now so far that you could fly to Greece, without following the arrival of a Test and in quarantine issued make. Worry about the Coronavirus in Greece, he did not: The Hotels, for example, would offer no Breakfast, but room only. “The planes I see this more as a risk factor,” says the business man. Closely closely with other people – because he was curious to see how the airline wanted to the safety distance rules.

A sporty-dressed woman with a large Hiking backpack shows nothing to worry about. You have absolutely no concerns due to possible Contagion. Your flight have you booked only a few days ago. “I’m not staying in Athens, I go to the mountains for Hiking,” she says. “I’ll meet only sheep and no people and I look forward to the sun and the blue sky.” Afraid that you have to pay after a further increase of the Infection in Greece could sit not has also: “Not For the time I walk home.”

retail customers

a Total of 335 take-offs and landings were expected to interact with about 23,000 pass, according to a Fraport spokesman for the Assembly at Frankfurt airport is missing. “We expect that it will be in the coming weeks, peu à peu more,” said the spokesman, with a view to the lifting of travel warnings by the Federal government. The operating but still significantly below the level of the previous year.

to feel it, and the retail at the airport gets. Many shops are still closed. A saleswoman in a Boutique for ladies clothing sorted some colorful dresses. She tells you that you have opened the Store just two weeks ago again. Now you do all the things that have remained are. “I’m here to do my work and leave the door open, if someone wants to come in,” she says. But actually, there is no clientele. “You can tell that something is more life at the airport, but the people have no nerve more shopping,” she says. You also feel that the Fraport-be employees in short-time work, because the were a big part of their clientele. “This will need a bit of time to normality”, says the seller thoughtfully.